The Drifters

While uploading my houses to The Gallery the other day, I noticed that I had written up little bios for each of my heirs.  So I thought it might be cool to have them all in one location….

House 001 – The Founder

Allera Drifter – founder sim for The Drifter Challenge House 001. She will start with nothing but the clothes on her back and hopefully end with a house worth at least $30,000 complete with an heir to continue her building Legacy long after she’s gone. #DrifterChallengeAllera Drifter has big dreams for her descendants. She’s hoping they will follow in her footsteps with each generation finding a suitable plot of land, and building a new home. Her story began in Oasis Springs where she met Zion Kaufman. They married and had 2 daughters. Allera is an aspiring chef and couldn’t help but name her children after her favorite dessert & cooking technique. Zion is in the Sports Career. (Household 001 for the Drifter Challenge) #DrifterChallenge

House 002 – Generation 2

Blondie Drifter – (named for her mother’s favorite brownie) barely made it out of high school. She managed to squander away her childhood and teen years, finishing school with a D. The only life skills she made a bit of progress on were Fitness & Logic. Will she be able to support herself, build a house worth at least $40,000, find a suitable husband, and produce an heir to complete her mother’s settlement dreams for the area? She will try to complete House 002 of The #DrifterChallenge.Blondie (named for her mother’s favorite brownie) may have bitten off more than she can chew! An artistic, outdoorsy kinda girl she thought she was marrying a happy-go-lucky, slightly geeky, mild-mannered mailman. Despite being the best of friends before their short courtship, she wasn’t able to learn anything about him. Boy, is she in for a surprise! Especially when he realizes their “home” is below shack level, Will he go postal when reality hits or will love conquer all? #DrifterChallenge.Blondie (named for her mother’s favorite brownie) is on her own after Grim “promoted” her husband to the main post office in the sky. She became obsessed with herbology & will take her girls camping to explore it further. Following in her mother’s footsteps, she named her daughters after her first love – seeds! Meet Chia and Caraway! Chia inherited her father’s eyesight. Hopefully, Caraway wasn’t blessed with his hairline. Who knows what’s hiding under that hat!! #DrifterChallenge.

House 003 – Generation 3

Chia Drifter – Following family tradition, Chia was named after her mother’s favorite pastime – gardening. More specifically for the seeds themselves. She has some athletic skills to help her deal with those Sims that insist on calling her “Ch… Ch…Ch…Chiiiiiia!” Chia will be attempting to build House 003 for the #DrifterchallengeFollowing family tradition, Chia was named after a seed. Being teased about her name her whole childhood, she was inspired to make her children’s names so intimidating no one would dare tease them. Meet Dementia, Dr. Evil and the triplets: Demolitia, Diabolica, and Danger. “Ch…Ch…Ch…Chiiiiiia” and her husband Joe (Wilder) are attempting to build House 003 for the #Drifterchallenge.

House 004 – Generation 4

Dementia Drifter (1st lifetime)Following family tradition, Chia Drifter chose her daughter’s name very carefully, while keeping true to her own obsession – intimidation. It worked, the other kids never teased Dementia while she was growing up. As a young adult, she is striking out on her own with nothing but a dream of completing House 004 of the #drifterchallenge and fulfilling her part of the family legacy. She has an empty field and $0 to her name. Will she make her family proud and complete all of her goals in time?


Dementia Drifter (2nd lifetime)After a freak accident at the lab,Dementia gets transported back in time. She has a second chance in life and at completing House 004 for the #drifterchallenge. Will she succeed this time?

House 005 – Generation 5

Eridan DrifterSon of Dementia Drifter. Named after a french rocket. It is his destiny to continue his family’s legacy by completing House 005 of the #drifterchallenge. Will he succeed? Eridan lost family tree!Eridan & Riley Drifter met when they both claimed the same plot of land in Newcrest. Following Drifter family tradition, they named their children based on their shared passion – painting. Their sons are named for different paintbrush types – Fitch & Filbert; their daughters after two of their favorite colors – Fuchsia & Folly. Eridan & Riley have to max both painting professions, build a home, max photography, & complete a “photography scavenger hunt” for #House005 of the #DrifterChallenge

House 006 – Generation 6

Fitch Drifter will be attempting to complete #House006 for the #DrifterChallenge. With the help of his friend, Josephine Moran, they hope to turn an empty lot into a mansion valued at $350k earning the Mansion Baron Aspiration. Will they succeed? Will they become more than just friends?Folly Drifter Bowden moved in with her brother Fitch and his future wife, Josephine Moran, to help them complete House 006 of the #DrifterChallenge. Her husband has passed away and she has just become an adult. She named her sons Grayson and Grullo after colors found on her mother’s old color wheel.Folly (Drifter) Bowden is the sister of Fitch Drifter, the generation 006 heir of the #DrifterChallenge. Her husband Jaxton has passed away and she lives with her two sons, Grayson and Grullo, her daughter-in law, Yolanda nee Kruger (Grayson’s wife), and granddaughter “Harley”. The family tradition was upheld when it came to name choices. Everyone has been named for a color.

Generation 7

Gable Drifter –  Generation 7 heir. Son of Fitch & Josephine. Named after his father’s love of architecture. #DrifterChallenge

Note:  These were copied from the descriptions I wrote when uploading the households to the Gallery.  Should anyone want to populate their town with some Drifters, they can be found using my originID – Txalikat2

Categories: The Heirs

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